Studies abroad

Study period abroad

The Danish state educational support (SU) can be awarded for a study period abroad if the Danish educational institution accepts the study period abroad as part of the current Danish study programme. This means that credits must be awarded for the study period in question. Where a study period abroad of 12 months is only given 6 months' credits in the Danish study programme, the state educational support can only be awarded for 6 months.

Foreign citizens who are entitled to receive SU for study programmes in Denmark may also receive SU for study periods abroad. Please be aware however, that if you are entitled to receive SU on the basis of your status as a worker under EU law, you must still meet the conditions as a worker under EU law during your study period abroad. For more information, see "You start a study period abroadt". 

The Danish educational institution must accept the study period abroad as entitling the student to support. A supplementary grant cannot be awarded for tuition fees during study periods abroad.

The rules governing the student workload required during a study period abroad are the same as apply to the Danish study programme.

Study Programmes in Countries outside Denmark

Special Conditions in order to obtain State Educational Support for Study Programmes in Countries outside Denmark

In order to get the SU student grant for an education abroad you must be a Danish citizen. The only exception concerns EU/EØS citizens, citizens and members of their immediate family, who may obtain support for studies abroad, providing that they are able to document sufficient ties with Denmark. Please note, that this also includes EEA citizens, who may obtain support for studies abroad on equal terms with Danes in accordance with community law if they fulfil certain conditions.

Studies in another Nordic country

The study programme must meet the same conditions for recognition as a comparable study in Denmark, and the acquired qualifications must be usable in Denmark. The support can be granted for youth education, as well as higher education.

The support is granted for the prescribed duration of the study, another 12 months can be obtained, if needed.

Studies in countries outside the Nordic countries

Support is granted for a maximum of 4 years, i.e. support can be granted for study programmes of up to 4 years duration or for the last 4 years of a longer programme. In very specific cases, support is granted for more than 4 years, if a long-lasting programme with the same occupational aim is not provided in Denmark, and if the qualifications obtained meet a special labour market need in Denmark.

The support is granted for higher education only. The education must provide the student with qualifications that can be used directly in Denmark without additional courses. The study programme must furthermore meet the conditions for recognition of Danish study programmes.

Some Important Points

  • The study programme in question must be full time and unpaid.
  • It is possible to obtain a special grant (tilskud til undervisningsafgift) towards tuition fee for a very small number of educations, such as Hotel and Tourism educations on post graduate level, plus educations containing equal parts of economics and language studies - and only such combinations, that are not offered in Denmark.
  • The study programme as well as the educational institution must be officially recognized in the study country/the countries in question.
  • You may receive support for the International Baccalaureate all over the world.
  • It is not possible to get support for open university, language courses for foreign students, any foundation courses at all, unless they are strictly compulsory for the following studies, non degree courses, distance education and the first year of an American Bachelor education.
  • You have to apply for support online in minSU, Fast Track. You need to apply at the latest the first month you wish to receive grant from. If you can't find your education in the Fast Track list you instead have to send an online application to have your education considered to be included in the Fast Track list
  • The support is to be paid into NemKonto.
  • The grant is taxable. Normally you pay tax in Denmark. If you are liable to pay tax in another country, you may apply for an exemption from taxation in Denmark. Please contact your local tax authority in Denmark about that.
  • Twice a year - when receiving support for an education abroad - you are obliged to supply us with documentation proving that you are pursuing your study according to schedule. Please notice that you should always inform us in advance, if you wish to change subject or school.
  • When studying outside the Nordic countries you are entitled to support for the prescribed duration of the study only. If you are delayed because of failing exams, you cannot have the support extended beyond the prescribed duration of the study. It is possible, however, to obtain extension of the support period, if the delay is due to illness or child birth.

Reform of the state educational grant system (SU) for higher education

New rules have been adopted for the state educational grant system (SU) for higher and private education.

The new rules will impact your SU, including your maximum of 70 educational grant portions for higher education (rammen).

The rules come into effect on January, 1. 2027 and will apply for students who start a new higher education program on July 1, 2025 or later. A "new higher education" also refers to a master’s program after completing a bachelor’s degree.

You can get guidance at your educational institution. Please plan your educational programme with SU in relation to the new rules.

You can read more about the new rules at this page.