By the end of the year, we calculate your yearly income. If we can see, that you have to repay SU, and you have had months where you were not listed as a student, we automatically look at your income in the months in which you were enrolled at an educational institution and make a new calculation.
We only use the new calculation if it means you will have to repay a lower amount than with the standard calculations.
How to calculate your "uddannelsesfribeløb"
If you live up to the conditions of "periodisering", you need only to calculate your "fribeløb" for the specific months in which you were enrolled at an educational institution. You are able to calculate your ‘uddannelsesfribeløb’ the same way as you normally calculate your regular ‘årsfribeløb’.
The way we calculate your "periodiserede" personal income
We calculate your "periodiserede" personal income on the same basis as your personal income for the whole year with the following changes: Your "periodiserede" personal income contains the specific part of your income that is registered on Skattestyrelsen’s “eIndkomst” that lies within the same time as your period of enrollment at an educational institution.
There are different rules as to how employers need to register income on “eIndkomst”. In your tax file on, you are able to see in which period of payment your employer has registered your income.
Contact your employer if you are unsure of the period your income is registered or if you think that your employer has made a mistake when registering your period of payment.
We do not have the possibility to give exemption from the rules if any income is registered wrongly in eIndkomst.
The period of payment is different from the period of enrollment at an educational institution
If you have earned anything besides your SU and a part of your period of payment lies outside of the period of enrollment at an educational institution, we divide and distribute your income equally within the period of payment. Only your income in the days that lie within a period of enrollment at an educational institution count in the calculation of your income if you fulfil the conditions of "periodisering".